Does Size Matter? The Impact of Physical Size on Skateboarding

Does Size Matter? The Impact of Physical Size on Skateboarding

Q&A with Physical Therapist Dr. Kyle Brown

Skateboarding is a unique sport that often defies conventional wisdom. However, when it comes to physical size, does it play a role in skateboarding? According to Dr. Kyle Brown, a physical therapist who works with top-tier skateboarders, there are some considerations to take into account.

Advantages and Challenges for Taller and Heavier Skaters

Dr. Kyle Brown explains that being taller or heavier can affect falling, absorbing impact, and balance in skateboarding. While it’s not a deal-breaker, taller skaters may face more challenges in these areas. However, it’s worth noting that many tall skaters have found success due to their style and aesthetic appeal.

Potential Advantages for Shorter and Lighter Skaters

Shorter and lighter skaters may have some slight advantages. They tend to experience less impact when falling and find it easier to land in a deep squat position, reducing the risk of injury. They also have an easier time maintaining balance during maneuvers like holding a manual or a long slide. This is due to their lower center of gravity and trunk/core stability.

The “Tuck and Roll” Falling Technique

The “tuck and roll” falling technique is highly recommended for skating, especially when jumping off higher obstacles. By landing and then rolling into a ball, skaters can minimize the impact on their joints. While this technique can be trained to some extent, taller skaters may find it more challenging to execute effectively.

Factors Affecting Pop in Skateboarding

According to Dr. Kyle Brown, explosive power is crucial for achieving height and pop in skateboarding. While taller individuals may have an advantage with the initial spring, the ability to tuck the knees to the chest plays a significant role in achieving greater height. Flexibility and strength are both essential for mastering this aspect of skateboarding.

Quickness and Footwork in Skateboarding

Regarding quickness and footwork, there is no clear advantage for taller or shorter skaters. Both can possess quick feet, providing advantages in different situations. It ultimately depends on the specific circumstances and the skater’s individual abilities.

The Ideal Body Type for Skaters

Dr. Kyle Brown emphasizes that there is no perfect or ideal body type for skaters. Skating is a sport where individuals can excel with the body they have. However, strong legs and a strong core are important factors for optimal performance.

For a more in-depth look at the impact of physical size on skateboarding, check out the full article on Jenkem Magazine.